Hi team. This is a holiday-shortened week. Lots to do, so be sure to bring your best, most prepared self to the learning environment. This is the plan:
Math: We will work towards another quizzy by week's end. Our focus is on working with the formulas for the area of a parallelogram and of a triangle. We will try to work in classifying triangles, too! To do that, we'll begin looking at angles using a handy little device known as a protractor. If you have your own, please bring it. Otherwise, I have some to lend.
Language Arts: Week 5's responses are due on Tuesday this week (that's today if you're reading this on time!). All choice tasks will be gathered and turned in on Friday.
Writing: This week we will launch a new writing piece, "Sandwich, Personified". The focus for this piece is your writer's "voice". See Classroom for the Keys to VOICE document, task details and suggestions.
Science: Remember to be on the lookout for Newton's 3rd Law in action. We'll spend some time demonstrating what we've found... (don't over-think this one... your demonstration could be as simple as bouncing a rubber ball, showing that gravity pulls the ball to the floor (action), and the ball rebounds upwards (reaction) due to elastic forces. As well, we will begin a new lab this week that explores the force of friction. We have talked a bit about friction forces, but haven't really explored what these are yet. Be prepared to work quickly with your group on this lab.
A while ago, I dropped hints that I'd like one or more of your parents to step up and offer to join our class on Friday Walkies (10:05 - 11:00). As yet, I don't have volunteers lined up for any of our walks, so please pester your parent about joining us. They should let me know if they can help asap. Thanks.
Related, I also have requested help with the Robots! activity. Unfortunately, I've just realized that the 20th is no good... I've blocked off Wednesday June 19th instead. Maybe more parents will be able to join us for that day instead...? They should let me know about this too.
And finally, I would like you to be on the lookout for old power tools and small appliances that are either obsolete or don't work anymore. I've sent a list of the kind of thing that works best for the activity to your parents already. Start bringing these items in anytime. We're aiming to get a big pile of at least 60 items by the 19th.
Enjoy your week, everyone!