Wed, Mar 5
- Expect some time over the next two days to work on your market posters. Bring supplies (markers, stencils, sequins? streamers?) if you will need them.
Tues, Mar 4
- New due date for the Solar System Object project: Friday, March 14. (Or before!)
Mon, Mar 3
- New blog post out today. Read it!
Thurs, Feb 27
- Good news! No rush to share your YEP charity slideshow. We'll present these early next week instead of tomorrow. For now, please concentrate on building as much product as you can over the next week and a half. There'll be lots to do here at school as we prepare for the market, so the more work you can do at home to be ready for the big day, the better!
Wed, Feb 26
- No news
Tues, Feb 25
- No news
Mon, Feb 24
- Read the blog post!
- Talk with parents about your YEP product progress
Thurs, Feb 20
- No news
Wed, Feb 19
- CC Day tomorrow pm. Dismissal for some at 11:40.
- Bring your YEP receipts!
Tues, Feb 18
- Please read this week's blog post! Important YEP info has been shared
- Share about today's Arctic Exploration presentation.
Thurs, Feb 13
- Pro-D day tomorrow
- CC Day letters home today
Wed, Feb 12
- No news
Tues, Feb 11
- Mysterious Object Writing piece due Thursday, Feb 13
- Bookworm due Thursday, Feb 13
Mon, Feb 10
- Read blog post
- Bookworm book review due Thursday, Feb 13
- Share about Solar System Object project. What solar system object will you learn about?
Thurs, Feb 6
- Skating tomorrow.
Wed, Feb 5
- If you should be dismissed from the Rec Center on Friday, please get your parent to send a note to Mr. Pite before Friday
- Several students did not yet complete their math quiz today. These are in backpacks and should be finished tonight and turned in tomorrow.
Tues, Feb 4
- Snow Day!
Mon, Feb 3
- Read the blog post!
- Goals for this week:
- Wrap up our look at ratio
- Complete Bookworm book review
- Conduct Market Research
- Write the Mysterious Object piece
- Go skating on Friday!
Thurs, Jan 30
- Did you know: there are just 27 school days until our YE Market?
- Your Bookworm entry is going to be due next week. If you haven't finished reading your book, or haven't completed your "Start Guide" pages, plan to work on these over the weekend. We'll be revising and then publishing these next week.
Wed, Jan 29
- Small change of plans: the YEP market research day is now on Thursday, Feb 6. In the meantime, please turn your questionnaire into a Google Forms document. See Classroom.
Tues, Jan 28
- The latest YEP component, your Market Research Questionaire, now has a template on Google Classroom. Type up your 5 questions and submit before Friday.
Mon, Jan 27
- Be prepared to work on the following this week:
- Bookworm: have your copy of the book and the Bookworm Book Review Start Guide package with you at school each day, please
- YEP: create a first piece of your product idea and have it here at school
Thurs, Jan 23
- Pro-D day tomorrow. Enjoy your long weekend!
Wed, Jan 22
- Share about today's math quizzy.
- A few of you took your quizzy home with you to finish. Please make sure you do this and return it to me in the morning.
- Your YEP product pitch: At this point, you should have landed on a product idea to develop. If you haven't, try to do this soon. Plan to chat with me about your idea on Thursday or Monday. Be prepared to answer questions about the cost of materials, your potential customers, the time it takes to make one unit, etc.
- Looking ahead: aim to create a prototype, or at least have a detailed, labeled diagram of your product ready to share next Friday. That's going to be "market research day", an opportunity to learn about what your customers will want. More on this next week...
Tues, Jan 21
- Today you worked on a quizzy preview for math. Did you finish it? Or did you take it home with you to practice tonight? You'll have a brief opportunity to look things over before we get into our quiz tomorrow.
- Share about your understanding of the Moon's phases, and how scientists believe the Moon was formed.
Mon, Jan 20
- Read the blog post.
- Share about how things went today with your Socials project. If you weren't able to present yours today, please be prepared to do that tomorrow.
- Remember to bring your Bookworm book and notes to school each day. We'll check in on your progress on this task tomorrow.
Thurs, Jan 16
- Swimming tomorrow p.m. Bring towel, swimsuit, coin for a locker, and good shoes for walking.
Wed, Jan 15
- Socials project is due in 5 days. Share about your progress. Share about your plan to have this completed by Monday. Are you already planning to work over the weekend? How will you coordinate with your partner (if you have one...)
- How is your Bookworm book coming along? Are you at least 1/3 of the way through your book? Will you need to read your book at home to meet your reading goal? Have you remembered to bring your book back to school each day?
- Swimming on Friday. Remember to ask your parents to send a note to Mr. Pite if you will be dismissed from the Rec Center.
Tues, Jan 14
- No news
Mon, Jan 13
- Your interactive Social Studies project is due in 7 days. Share about your progress. What else needs to be done before Monday? Will you need to do some of this work at home?
- Read this week's blog post.
Thurs, Jan 9
- The Young Entrepreneurs project (YEP) is not underway. We've had a chat about types of business (for now, you are all going to run a manufacturing business; later on we'll transform into retail businesses as we sell our own products). An email will be sent home to parents today about the program.
Wed, Jan 8
- We have a few projects and tasks under way. Share about your progress on:
- the Salish Sea interactive project (due Mon, Jan 20)
- your Bookworm book review (due in approximately four weeks)
- the Most Magnificent Thing (no due date yet)
- PE shoes: here is another little reminder to be sure to have clean athletic footwear for our sessions in the gym. Usually, these happen on a Monday, Thursday or Friday; but could happen any day of the week. It is best to have a clean pair of sneakers that live in your locker and that they do not venture outdoors. This term, safe clean shoes are a requirement. No shoes = no participation and no fun!
Tues, Jan 7
- No news
Mon, Jan 6
- Read the blog post
Thurs, Dec 19
- Bring a mug!
- Wear PJ's if you wish!
- Walkies tomorrow.
- Bring a bag for the things in your locker.
- Reports available after school tomorrow.
Wed, Dec 18
- Share about your Social Studies progress. What questions do you still need to answer? What do you need to have here at school to complete your product?
- Can your parent join us for a walk on Friday? We'll head out at 10:05 for an hour. Have them send me an email if they can help.
Tues, Dec 17
- No news
Mon, Dec 16
- Read blog
Thurs, Dec 11
- Don't forget to bring in unwrapped toys for our Toy Drive!
Wed, Dec 10
- No news
Tues, Dec 10
- No news
Mon, Dec 9
- Read blog post
- Math quizzy results home today. Corrections due tomorrow. Remember to do these on a separate sheet of paper and to clearly show your thinking.
Thurs, Dec 5
- Swimming tomorrow. Be prepared!
- Small number of you have a bit of math homework tonight: please finish your quizzy!
Wed, Dec 4
- Field trip tomorrow afternoon. Be prepared to walk. Be prepared for the weather.
- Math quizzy tomorrow.
Tues, Dec 3
- Would you like to be dismissed from the Rec Center on Friday? Get your parent to send Mr. Pite an email about this.
- Math quizzy coming up on Thursday. Consider taking unfinished worksheets home for practice!
- Most Magnificent Thing project continues on Wednesday. Do you have everything you need to work on you piece tomorrow?
Mon, Dec 2
- Read the blog post
- Have you turned in you How-To comic?
Thurs, Nov 28
- No news
Wed, Nov 27
- Salish Sea field trip tomorrow. Be prepared!
Tues, Nov 26
- No news
Mon, Nov 25
- Read the blog post
- Share about your progress with the "How-To Comic"
Wed, Nov 20
- CC day tomorrow. Early dismissal
Tues, Nov 19
- No news
Mon, Nov 18
- Salish Sea field trip has again been postponed. See details in blog post.
- CC day on Thursday: early dismissal
- Pro-D day on Friday: no school
Thurs, Nov 14
- CC day notices home tomorrow.
Wed, Nov 13
- No news
Tues, Nov 12
- Our Salish Sea adventure has been POSTPONED until next Wednesday, November 20.
- Read the blog post
Thurs, Nov 7
- Remembrance ceremony tomorrow
Wed, Nov 6
- Share about visit from Eagle Wing
Tues, Nov 5
- Hmmm... an informal survey suggested that many of you aren't in the habit of reading the weekly blog posts. Try to remember to do this, okay? For those who've checked in on today's Daily Agenda, here is a little incentive.
- Eagle Wing naturalists will be here tomorrow.
Mon, Nov 4
- Read blog
- Share about Blind Spot activity
Thurs, Oct 31
- Share your Halloween story with your family!
- Enjoy your evening. Stay safe.
- Possible Walkies tomorrow. Be prepared.
Wed, Oct 30
- Math quiz results home today. To earn credit for corrections, please re-do incorrect questions on a separate sheet of paper and return to Mr. Pite on Thursday.
- Halloween story was due today. If yours is incomplete, please spend some time finishing this and turning it in before tomorrow's sharing time.
- Halloween tomorrow. Please think carefully about your costume: avoid masks, weapons, gore, and avoid accessories that you would be upset to lose. Be prepared for gym time and Brainstorm sessions, too. A change of clothes might be needed!
Tues, Oct 29
- Halloween story due tomorrow
Mon, Oct 28
- Read this week's blog post
- Ask your parent to check if your SchoolCash account has been settled. Please pay for Swimming and Skating, and for the upcoming Salish Sea trip.
- Halloween story due Wednesday
Thurs, Oct 24
- Pro-D day tomorrow
- Halloween story due next Wednesday
Wed, Oct 23
- Pro-D day on Friday
Tues, Oct 22
- No news
Mon, Oct 21
- Read blog post
- New dates for Salish Sea program:
- Classroom Visit: November 6
- Eagle Wing boat cruise: November 13
- Follow-up session with Eagle Wing staff: November 20
- Learning showcase: Date TBA
Thurs, Oct 17
- Please have your parent sign the field trip form and return it.
- Student Vote happens tomorrow. We'll have a look at your slideshows and we'll use an online tool to see where your own priorities sit. Let's get prepared to vote.
- Share about today's Brainstorm.
Wed, Oct 16
- Field trip form home today
- Share about your Halloween story progress. What is your idea? How far into the tale have you progressed? How much more time will you need to finish your first draft?
- Which of the three main political parties of BC is your group researching? What is something surprising that you have discovered?
Tues, Oct 15
- Read the blog post.
- Bring a small box.
Thurs, Oct 10
- Share about your Halloween story idea. What is the problem your characters will face? How will the problem be resolved?
- Share the "On Dialogue" page here on the blog. Explain what I mean by "show" your story, don't "talk" your story.
- Math quizzy results home today.
- Agenda Check! Complete this form if you have read today's Daily Agenda. Win prizes! (You may need to Sign In to your school district profile to access this form.)
Wed, Oct 9
- No news.
Tues, Oct 8
- Not in Band? We get to be artistic and creative, too! Bring a shoe-box sized box. Project launches tomorrow morning.
- Subtraction quizzy tomorrow. Are you ready to bring your best: be confident, yet careful.
Mon, Oct 7
- Read this week's blog post
- Bring a small box for your upcoming project. Shoe boxes are about the right size. A little smaller, or a little larger are good, too.
Thurs, Oct 3
- Skating tomorrow. Bring helmet, and good shoes for walking.
Wed, Oct 2
- Share about the "character trading cards" activity. What bigger task are the cards meant to help you build?
- Please bring a small cardboard box - a shoebox is perfect. We'll begin designing your magnificent thing next Wednesday.
- Can you bring in just $2 for our Terry Fox fundraiser? We're pretty close to hitting the $10 000 mark!
- Please return signed immunization packages this week
- Skating on Friday!
Tues, Oct 1
- Parent Teacher interviews this afternoon and evening
Thurs, Sept 26
- Share about today's Terry Fox run
Wed, Sept 25
- Photo proofs home today
- Skating/Swimming field trip letter home today
- Talk about the Brainstorm selections you made
Tues, Sept 24
- Last week for Terry Fox fundraising. Please make an effort to ask your people to donate.
- Homework! Please be on the lookout for election print advertising. There is much that we can learn from these... bring them in to school, starting tomorrow. We're going to have a look at the issues that are important in this election.
Thurs, Sept 19
- We'll head out for a walk tomorrow p.m. Please be prepared with reasonable footwear.
- Share about your "My New Island" writing piece. What Ideas have you generated already?
Wed, Sept 18
- No news
Tues, Sept 17
- No news
Mon, Sept 16
- Today we learned how to "speak whole number". Challenge a parent to say the ten digits of their phone number as though it were a whole number.
- Choir and Strings begin this week.
- Many clubs and sports activities (like basketball) are up and running already. It's not too late to join things like Ultimate, coed soccer, D&D role playing club, yoga club, choir and more. Give it a go... what have you got to lose?
Thurs, Sept 12
- Our class Terry Fox Fundraising page is now up and running.
- Lots of sporty activities are starting up! Soccer, basketball, ultimate, cross-country. Remember, your time in middle school is a great time to try new things!
Wed, Sept 11
- Share about Band if you went to Band today
- Share about the Squirrel Ninja Warrior Course video. Why did we watch this? What do the letters of STEM stand for?
Tues, Sept 10
- Meet the teacher event 5:30 tonight
- Share about "What's On Your Bookshelf". What book are you reading right now? What do you think about it?
- Read this week's blog post
- Bring school supplies in asap
- Meet the teacher event at 5:30 on Tuesday