Monday 6 November 2023

Week 10 - Nov 6 - 10

Hi All! Thanks for checking in with the blog. Here is the plan for our tenth week together:

Math: We'll continue to explore some ideas around division, and work our way toward the first of two or three check-in quizzes about division.

Language Arts: It is Remembrance week. We'll read about a current topic - the ongoing conflict in Gaza. And we'll pay particular attention to "perspective-taking" and bias. This is a complex topic, and one we'll approach with sensitivity. Later in the week, we'll turn our attention to Remembrance Day.

Science: Last week, we began exploring the nervous system, and did a mini-lab that demonstrated that it takes time for us to recognize and react to something we see. This week, we'll spend some time with our eyes as we try to map our blind spot. By the end of the week, I'd like you to know why we have a blind spot, and be able to understand what our brain does with optical signals so that we don't notice it. This is complex biological science, so I'll do my best to simplify it.

Writing: I have been working on assessing your Spooky Story pieces. Brrr! Some of these are pretty frightening! While you await feedback from these, you'll get a chance to write a short piece featuring dialogue and only dialogue. How can you tell your reader what is happening only through the words of the characters? 

Enjoy your week, everyone!