Tuesday 3 October 2023

Week 5 - Oct 3 - 6

This is the first of two consecutive short weeks. While we may only have four days together, there will be plenty to keep us busy.

Math - the little SNAP assessments we did last week have let me know what you can do, and where you'll need some review and practice. We'll begin this week with revisiting a couple of multiplication strategies that you likely have seen before. We will revisit estimating products. And we will revisit some of those basic fact toughies that you might not yet be fluent with. (Quick, what's 7 x 8?)

Writing - to lead off our week, we will jam out a quick story. I want to see how you handle the basic elements of story writing - character, setting, introduce a problem, and resolve the problem. Our ideas will come from the work we have already done with our writing territories. Later this week, I will introduce the Spooky Story task (and Team writing challenge). 

L.A. - The Boundless continues this week. Keep working on those chapter title icons for Reading Response #2. Expect another round of "What's the Problem?" as we check out another picture book.

Science - Our work on the Excretory System will just about be complete by the end of this week. Expect a "stations lab" activity to help you learn more about this system.

Our first Brainstorm session begins on Thursday this week. 

On Wednesday the Red Wolves will enjoy a PJ's day. Fun!

Our school's Spirit Council has organized "sports day" - an opportunity to wear your favourite team's kit. Classes with 75% or better participation earn a spot in a draw for a class movie afternoon!

Enjoy your week, everyone!