Monday 4 December 2023

Week 14 - Dec 4 - 8

Hi gang. Here is the plan for the week ahead:

Language Arts - we will continue our exploration of reading comprehension strategies this week. We'll look at how authors can show their audience what a character is like without telling directly what a character is like. 

Writing - The How-To Comic project is full-steam ahead this week. Check the task criteria on Classroom if you aren't sure what to do. 

Math - You'll get a chance to show what you know about finding averages this week, and at the same time we'll revisit the elements of a good graph. As well, we will move on to another division-related concept, prime factors and common multiples.

Science - We'll work toward finishing up our look at Body Systems this week. With your "brain hat" complete, let's see what it can do to help you remember! Expect another activity or two to help us consolidate our understanding of the nervous system. 

Last week we set a class goal: to create a "winter sports" bulletin board display that will compete for the class party being offered to the winner of the Spirit Council's contest. We'll work together to achieve our goal, checking in with the progress markers we set for ourselves as we go. 

Enjoy your week, everyone!