Monday, 6 January 2025

Week 17 - Jan 6 - 10

Happy New Year and welcome back to the blog. Term 2 is underway and it is going to be a busy one. Be sure to bring your best, most productive and focused self to school each day, and tune into this space regularly for updates about our ongoing projects. 

Here is the plan for the week ahead:

Math - We'll begin by reviewing fractions - what they are, what they represent, how to "speak" fraction, and how to combine them. We'll explore fractions that are worth more than one whole. Going forward, we'll begin to apply what we learned about finding GCF to help us add and subtract unlike fractions (fractions that have different denominators). 

Social Studies - A due date has been set for your interactive Salish Sea project: January 20. Make sure to come prepared to work on this project each day for the next two weeks. Note: that's lots of time! Some of you may feel like you don't need all that time - if that's the case, consider how you can improve your project so that it meets all of the criteria, and is entertaining, colourful, and accurate. Be sure to double-check task criteria on Classroom for details. 

L.A. - over the break, many of you dove into a new-to-you book. As you read onward, follow along with the Book Review Planning Guide. This "Bookworm" piece depends on your commitment: this begins with reading your book, cover to cover, over the next two or three weeks. (Please see me if you haven't yet selected a book... I'll help you choose an appropriate book and to set a realistic reading goal.) See the Bookworm page here on the blog for review criteria and examples written by students. This one will have a somewhat flexible due date, given that some have already started reading, some have selected longer books, and some can afford to spend more time at home reading. Roughly four weeks should be plenty of time to read your book and write your review. Be sure to have your book here at school each day. 

YEP (Young Entrepreneurs Project) - this is a far-ranging project that will get underway this week. Expect to carry home an introductory letter for your parents to read later this week. For now, it is a good idea to start thinking about project ideas... but don't start building anything yet, okay?

Science - This week we'll jump back into our look at outer space.

Looking Ahead: Friday, Jan 17 - Swimming at OBR. (Parent volunteers needed to help with the walk to the Rec Center!)

Have a great week, everyone!