Monday, 28 October 2024

Week 9 - Oct 28 - Nov 1

Boo! It's Halloween week! This is the plan:

Math: expect a quizzy on multiplication strategies on Tuesday. If it looks like we're ready to move on after that quizzy, we'll spend some time with rounding and estimating products. We will also explore some data resulting from our recent Provincial election. 

Writing: Your Halloween stories are due this Wednesday. Work at home to ensure you have a story to share with a small group on Thursday. We will also make time to do a self-assessment task.

Social Studies: We will begin learning about the Salish Sea. Our goal is to develop an understanding of how people can cooperate to solve problems, and to recognize some of the barriers we face when trying to solve issues. International cooperation is tricky. Finding solutions among those with competing interests can be challenging. We'll build our understanding in advance of Eagle Wing's visit to our classroom next week. 

Science: So far we've looked at the excretory system and the endocrine system. We're on track; well done!  Be sure you are keeping your notes and activities organized and completed. This week we'll move on to explore the nervous system. 

Thursday is Halloween. Costumes are encouraged, but please be thoughtful about these. We'll chat again about appropriateness of your costumes and accessories. But the basic advice stands: if you think your costume or accessory might be a problem, it very well might be. Still not sure? Ask!

Enjoy your week, everyone.