Math - We're just about finished our look at applying multiplication strategies to decimal values. Expect a wee quizzy on Tuesday. Afterwards, we'll get into division of decimal values.
Language Arts - On Monday we will launch into an independent novel study! It has been a long wait to get into reading and studying a novel; it is finally here. Job number one for each of you is to select your next great read. Please revisit the "Novel Study Book Selection Criteria" to ensure the book you've chosen fits the task. As the week goes on, I will lay out the shape of the study unit, and we'll chat about the pros and cons of approaching novel study in this way. (As a preview of this conversation: One of the big advantages of independent novel study is that each of you get to choose your own book. This is an awesome opportunity to really think about what attracts you to a story. Don't be hasty in your decision! I want you all to select a book that you'll be happy to read and analyze over the weeks ahead.)
Writing - Sentence fluency is what this week's writing lessons are all about. What is sentence fluency? Be sure to have a look at the "Sentence Fluency Writing Guide". You'll find this under the task "Sentence Fluency in Informational Writing" on Classroom. Remember that one of the keys to recognizing quality fluency is to read a piece aloud and listen carefully for its rhythm and flow. We'll spend some time emulating quality fluency, and practice revising work to improve fluency.
Science - This week we'll properly get into Newton's 1st law of motion. Fun! Expect demonstrations and discussion and a "formal" demo write-up.
Skating - We are ON for skating next Monday afternoon. Circle your calendars!
Enjoy your week, everyone.