Tuesday, 20 February 2024

Week 23 - Feb 20 - 23

Hi gang! This is an abbreviated week, with limited opportunities for classwork and new lessons. Be sure to make yourself ready for when those learning moments come your way. Do what you need to do to ensure laser-sharp focus!

On Wednesday this week we will head to the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory. I'm really looking forward to this field trip, and I'm hoping you'll come away from the excursion with a better understanding of outer space. Remember to bring a portable lunch, and to dress for both warmth and cold.

Science: This week we will begin to assemble our Solar System Object information. With your partner you will transfer the best of your research onto lapbook elements. Do your best to manage your in-class time for this one! I'd like to check in on your progress by the end of the week.

YEP: Thank-you for those who have assembled their spending documents - receipts, notes detailing spending, and your loan certificate. We'll work through the financial side of the YEP throughout the week. 

Writing: Two writing pieces that are related to Science and the YEP are currently on the go. And both pieces are sales pitches. The first is a paragraph-form piece of advertising for your YEP product. And the second is a piece of advertising copy for the lapbook travel brochure that you and your Science partner are writing collaboratively. For both, details can be found on Classroom. 

Math: We will spend a bit of time with decimals this week.

Thursday is Curriculum Completion day. You will be dismissed at 11:40.

That's all for now, folks!