Monday 8 January 2024

Week 17 - Jan 8 - 12

Welcome back, gang! It's a new year and a great time to reset our thinking muscles. The term ahead is quite short and we have much to do. Things might seem like they're flying at you quickly over the next ten weeks. Be sure to stay on your toes, get plenty of rest, and bring a growth mindset to class each day.

Here's the plan for this week:

Language Arts: we'll practice recognizing Cause and Effect relationships in narrative (ex. Mr. Pite was hungry (cause) so he gobbled up two cheeseburgers, fries, and a root beer (effect).

Writing: This week, we will begin looking at the next of six writing traits: Word Choice. Experimenting with the vocabulary that we choose to use in our writing can have a significant impact. Reading pieces with great words can be more engaging. And utilizing awesome language can alter meaning in powerful ways.

Math: We'll begin a review of fractions this week. What do you remember from grade 4 and 5? Let's figure out where we need to spend some time refreshing our understanding before moving into brand-new ideas.

Science: A new unit about Space gets underway this week. Fun! 

Young Entrepreneurs (YE) program: This program will be a significant feature of our upcoming term. If you think you have a great idea, hang on! Remember that you will need to pitch your idea to Mr. Pite before you get the green light to start crafting your items. Later this week, we'll receive project booklets to help guide our learning. It is important that we go through the process together. We'll spend some time talking about your goals for the project (hint: it's not just about profits!). And we will start bashing around a few ideas for what you might make. The time for this project will fly by pretty quickly. So please make sure you stay on top of things. 

Enjoy your week, everyone!