YEP - this is "market research" week. Your focus will be to figure out what your potential customers really want. We all have opinions, and we all see value differently. As customers, we know what we like and we know what we'd be willing to pay for a product. As an entrepreneur, it is important to understand what will sell, and what won't. Let's consider what features of your product could be changed - size, colour, materials, embellishments, price, etc... We'll create a survey and we'll participate in a market research blitz with an authentic audience on Friday.
Note: you may think your idea is refined enough to ramp up production. (I, for one, really want to make more fishing spoons...) WHOA, HORSEY! Slow down a minute. Let's wait until we learn from the market research before we build anything else, okay?
Math - This week is all about rate and ratio. Expect to transfer your understanding of fractions, GCF, and geometry into this way of comparing quantities.
Science - Our look at the Moon continues this week. It really is an amazing ball of rock! Let's look at what happens here on Earth when the Moon revolves around our planet.
Writing - we'll begin a writing piece this week to help showcase our understanding of the value of great word choices.
Reading - This week you should be close to ready to write your Bookworm book review. Please ensure you have your book and your Start Guide note-taking sheet with you this week. Aim to have your review written, revised, and submitted by Friday this week. If you are behind in your reading, please chat with me - I'll help you make a plan to get your reading done and help you get started on your review. For examples, check out the Bookworm page here on the blog.
Dress for the Decades: Grade 6's are encouraged to dress for the 1960's on Thursday. Groovy, man!
Have a great week, everyone!