Tuesday 24 September 2024

Week 4 - Sept 24 - 27

Hi team, welcome back to the blog. Here's the plan for the rest of the week ahead:

Terry Fox fundraising: as a class, we're doing well. Thanks to some generous donors, we've already surpassed our modest class goal of $500. This Thursday's event - the annual Terry Fox run - will end our effort. So if you haven't yet donated, please take the time to do so. Here is the link to our class fundraising page. Or, send in cash or a cheque. Thanks!

Math this week will focus on subtraction strategies. On the full-screen version of the blog you might spot a small handful of videos on the sidebar. Look for the ones about subtraction for a preview of my approach to these strategies. 

Science - Our look at the excretory system kicks off our unit about body systems. You'll view a pair of in-class demonstrations that model kidney function. Pay attention to how you present your learning with the follow-up write-ups about these. Accuracy and presentation are important for scientific writing; be sure to take your time.

Social Studies - The writ has been dropped. Wait... what? That's a weird sentence. We'll dive into governance an elections over the next three weeks. This mini-unit will take us into the provincial election on October 19th. 

Writing - Remember the piece you began writing last week about the discovery of a new and mysterious land? We'll finish that one off before the end of the week. 

Language Arts - During LA time we'll turn our attention toward Truth and Reconciliation Day. 

That's all for this week, folks.