Monday 10 June 2024

Week 37 - June 10 - 14

Hey! Has your countdown to summer begun? It's official... the end of your grade six journey is within reach. It's not over yet, though. There are a few things on the go this week:

Math - We'll shore up our understanding of coordinate geometry this week. We'll move some lines around on a coordinate plane before exploring some geometric solids.

Writing - let's put a toothpick in the "Sandwich, Personified" task and move on to another great way to exemplify your writer's voice: through poetry and poetic language.

Reading - we'll perform our Reader's Theater plays for each other this week. 

Science - expect a quizzy on Wednesday about Newton's Laws. As mentioned, you'll get to have your study guide by your side for this one (but not the rest of your stuff, so be sure that your guide is complete). After that, expect a handful of activities about mixtures.

Got Library books? It's time to return these.

Walkies on Friday.

That's about all for this week, team. Enjoy!