Monday, 13 January 2025

Week 18 - Jan 13 - 17

Hey everyone. Another full week of learning lies ahead. Here is the plan:

Social Studies: Your interactive Social Studies project is due Monday, January 20. What else needs to be done before Monday? Expect to work on your project three more times this week. Will you need to do some of this work at home? It's time to consider how to get this done outside of class.

Math: We'll look at fraction equivalents this week. We'll use what we know about Lowest Common Multiples to help us compare fractions with unlike denominators. This is helpful for when we don't have a visual tool, like fraction circle sets or fraction strips. 

Language Arts: That book you are reading for your Bookworm book review? You should be about 1/3 of the way through it at this point. By the end of this week, aim to add another third of the reading. We'll review the criteria for the task, and before you get into writing your review, we will critique previous students' reviews as a way to better know what is expected from your piece.

YEP: We'll set some goals for the project, and we will spend the rest of the week brainstorming ideas for your product. Some of you seem to have landed on a singular product idea already. Please keep an open mind! Your product idea may not yet be the very best one for you. There is much to consider, including what you are interested in, what skills you already have and what skills you will realistically be able to develop in a short time. And, of course, cost of materials and whether there is a need for your product are important factors. Lots to talk about, here! Remember that you are not allowed to start creating your product yet. Don't purchase supplies. Patience is key, here, friends. We'll get there soon enough. The goal for this week is to come up with at least THREE different and realistic ideas for a product.

Science: This week we'll map Earth's journey around the Sun.

Swimming: Friday afternoon is our second swim date for the year. Be prepared - swimsuit, towel, and good shoes for walking. Don't forget to have your parents send a note if they'd like you to be dismissed from the rec center after the swim.

That's all for now, gang. Have an awesome week!

Monday, 6 January 2025

Week 17 - Jan 6 - 10

Happy New Year and welcome back to the blog. Term 2 is underway and it is going to be a busy one. Be sure to bring your best, most productive and focused self to school each day, and tune into this space regularly for updates about our ongoing projects. 

Here is the plan for the week ahead:

Math - We'll begin by reviewing fractions - what they are, what they represent, how to "speak" fraction, and how to combine them. We'll explore fractions that are worth more than one whole. Going forward, we'll begin to apply what we learned about finding GCF to help us add and subtract unlike fractions (fractions that have different denominators). 

Social Studies - A due date has been set for your interactive Salish Sea project: January 20. Make sure to come prepared to work on this project each day for the next two weeks. Note: that's lots of time! Some of you may feel like you don't need all that time - if that's the case, consider how you can improve your project so that it meets all of the criteria, and is entertaining, colourful, and accurate. Be sure to double-check task criteria on Classroom for details. 

L.A. - over the break, many of you dove into a new-to-you book. As you read onward, follow along with the Book Review Planning Guide. This "Bookworm" piece depends on your commitment: this begins with reading your book, cover to cover, over the next two or three weeks. (Please see me if you haven't yet selected a book... I'll help you choose an appropriate book and to set a realistic reading goal.) See the Bookworm page here on the blog for review criteria and examples written by students. This one will have a somewhat flexible due date, given that some have already started reading, some have selected longer books, and some can afford to spend more time at home reading. Roughly four weeks should be plenty of time to read your book and write your review. Be sure to have your book here at school each day. 

YEP (Young Entrepreneurs Project) - this is a far-ranging project that will get underway this week. Expect to carry home an introductory letter for your parents to read later this week. For now, it is a good idea to start thinking about project ideas... but don't start building anything yet, okay?

Science - This week we'll jump back into our look at outer space.

Looking Ahead: Friday, Jan 17 - Swimming at OBR. (Parent volunteers needed to help with the walk to the Rec Center!)

Have a great week, everyone!

Monday, 16 December 2024

Week 16 - Dec 16 - 20

We all deserve a little break, and its coming your way at the end of the week. Term 1 is in the books; your reports are in and Term 2 has begun! Here's what to expect over the next few days:

Writing: We'll learn a bit about using quality adjectives to add colour and spice to our writing. We'll complete the "Whatyamacallit" Writing task by adding a pair of dual quality adjectives to the piece you wrote last week. 

Math: We've been exploring the idea of using prime factors to help find Greatest Common Factors. Expect more practice, a little in-class crime scene investigation, and a brief check-in quizzy thingy (Fun!).

Social Studies: Your projects should be nearing the end of the research phase. Try to move on to the planning and developing stage, where your project ideas start to come together. You'll have some time to work on these projects in class this week. 

Reading: This week, we'll talk about an upcoming book review project. I'd like you to select a book before you head off on break. With a couple of weeks ahead of you, now is a perfect time to launch into your holiday read. More to come...

Most Magnficent Thing: This little project will continue this week. Be sure to arrive prepared with your needed building materials.

Term 1 reports will be available to view on Friday.

Drama performance on Monday pm.

Music performance on Tuesday pm (and evening concert!)

I'd like to go for a walk with the class on Friday morning. Parents, if you'd like to join us, I could use the help of one or two of you. Let me know if you are willing and able to spend an hour with us after 10:00 Friday.

Enjoy your week; and then enjoy your break! Next blog post in January 2025.

Monday, 9 December 2024

Week 15 - Dec 9 - 13

Welcome back to the blog! We're two weeks away from a well-deserved break. These can be tricky days: it is easy to forget some of your responsibilties to each other and to the classroom. Keep your wits about you over the lead-up to the break, be kind to each other and be safe.

Here is what's on for the week ahead:

Math: we'll follow up on the division concepts stuff we've been working on. You'll remember that one way to express division is in fraction form. Let's explore some ideas around division, the meanings of fractions, and how to compare apples to apples?

Writing: Expect a short writing piece over these next two weeks. This one will introduce the next of our six writing traits: Word Choice. 

Social Studies: We have begun a mini-research project about a Salish Sea problem. Look to Classroom later in the week to see more about what is expected from your finished piece.

Science: We'll blast off into a unit about space this week. Fun!

Enjoy your week, everyone!

Monday, 2 December 2024

Week 14 - Dec 2 - 6

Hi Everyone! This is another full week of school: plenty of opportunities for learning ahead!

Field Trip #1: On Thursday afternoon, we will head out straight away (12:10) to meet up with some folks from various organizations at Bowker Creek. The Friends of Bowker Creek Society has collaborated with several organizations, including Oak Bay High School, with restoration projects in the creek. We'll continue our Social Studies investigation with them, and with naturalists from Eagle Wing. Be prepared for the weather, and for walking to and from the creek.

Field Trip #2: On Friday afternoon, we will go swimming at Oak Bay Rec. We'll head out at 12:40. Be prepared: swimsuit, towel, quarter for a locker. Good shoes for walking and weather-ready clothing. Fun! As with skating trips, students may be given permission to dismiss from the Rec Center before the end of our regular school day, around 2:25. Parents will need to email (or send a note) Mr. Pite prior to Friday morning at 8:00; otherwise, students will return to the school for our regular 2:47 Friday dismissal.

Parents, I need a pair of volunteers for each of these trips. Please let me know asap if you can help.

In the classroom this week:

Social Studies: This week we'll put together what we know about the impacts of tourism and whale watching on Salish Sea life. Then, we'll launch into a brief and interactive research project that will demonstrate your understanding of how people can work together to solve problems in the Salish Sea. 

Math: Let's work towards showing what you know about recent division concepts: Divisibility rules and finding mean average. Expect a quizzy.

L.A.: We have now finished with the "How-To" comic task. If yours isn't complete, please take it home to finish this up and hand it in. The follow-up to last week's field trip, a writing task called "Our Salish Sea Field Trip" is posted to Classroom. We'll complete that one before the end of the week.

Science: This is our final week for looking at body systems. Be sure to have all of your learning materials organized and turned in. Next up? Space!

That's all for this week, folks!

Monday, 25 November 2024

Week 13 - Nov 25 - 29

Hi All,

Here are a few things to remember as we head into a good stretch of full, five-day weeks:

- Indoor PE shoes. It's wet out there, gang. While you've had some grace over the first 12 weeks of school, we now need to do a better job of looking after our gym floor. It is now more likely that your outdoor shoes come inside wet and muddy. We could be in the gym on any day of the week, so it is best to leave a dry pair of athletic shoes in your locker. Change into these for PE, and remember to change back out of them before you head out again.

- The Salish Sea field trip: Finally, we've got a reasonable weather forecast! Our new date for the trip is this Thursday, Nov 28. Remember to be prepared for the trip - extra layers, toque, gloves, pocket snack, portable lunch, good walking shoes.

This is the plan for the week ahead:

Math - We'll look at an adaptation of the partial quotients strategy. This one rearranges the dividend and divisor into fraction form. Many of you are ready to try something different. This is a little short cut that might save a bit of time. (For those who are still working toward mastery of the vertical partial quotients strategy will be welcome to continue learning that one while others broaden their understanding with this new one... ask me if you're unsure, okay?) We will also revisit the meanings of remainders in problem solving contexts.

Writing - Let's complete the "How To Comics" task early this week. This will allow us time to write a reflection piece about our field trip. 

Social Studies - We will wrap up our look at peoples' responses to the declining fish stocks problem. And we will begin to look at another local issue and how folks are aiming to help.

Science - we will finish our Body Systems unit this week. One more mini-lab to go; this one deals with memory. Do your best to keep organized with your learning materials. You'll submit all the work you have done over the term by the end of the week. 

Enjoy your week!

Monday, 18 November 2024

Week 12 - Nov 18 - 21

Hey folks! This is a super-short week. Thursday is CC day, which likely means a shortened day for you. And Friday is a Pro-D day. Enjoy that extra day, okay? In the meantime, here is our plan:

** DUE TO ANOTHER GNARLY WEATHER FORECAST, THE SALISH SEA FIELD TRIP WILL BE DELAYED AGAIN. ** Our new date is now Thursday, November 28. The transportation plan remains the same. The program will be the same as planned. We'll get out on the water eventually, and hopefully the sea-state will be nice and relaxed, making for a more comfortable, safer journey.

The Most Magnificent Thing: On Wednesday morning, we'll begin building your Most Magnficent Things. To do this, you will need to bring your building supplies! I will supply hot glue guns and glue, along with cardboard cutters (please don't bring your own). Other than that, you are on your own. How will you remember to bring all that you need to make progress on your build?

Math: This week, we'll discuss "divisibility rules" - little tricks that let us know if a number can be divided easily by a given divisor. We will also begin to look at what happens when things don't work out evenly. We'll chat about the meanings of those leftover bits (are they important? can they be ignored?), and how best to express remainders.

Writing: A new task is now up and running on Classroom. Through the "How-To Comic" piece we will look at building a text with both words and pictures, and do so in a logical, sequential and organized way. I'll set you up with a few tips and tricks for building instructional graphic texts.

Social Studies: We'll explore some ways that people are working to solve problems with commercial and sport fisheries in the Salish Sea. Be prepared to add what you know to your learning log.

Science: Once you've completed your brain "hat", we'll run a mini-lab that attempts to "map" your nerve endings. This relates to the sensitivity and responsiveness of your skin on various parts of your body. Your central nervous system does an interesting thing when it prioritizes touch sensitivity to some areas, and makes other parts less sensitive. We'll attempt to understand why this is the case.

That's all for this week, folks!

Tuesday, 12 November 2024

Week 11 - Nov 12 - 15

Hi Division 13 Superstars. We've got a four-day week this time around. Here's the plan:

Our Salish Sea field trip has been postponed! The weather on Tuesday night and into Wednesday sounds positively gnarly and frightful. So Eagle Wing has kindly moved our trip to Wednesday, November 20th. Please stay tuned for more information about this. Thanks for your patience as we get things reorganized.

Social Studies: This week's cooperation-in-Salish-Sea-stewardship theme is fisheries. We'll attempt to answer questions that governments and conservation groups and the commercial fishing industry have wrestled with for decades. Easy! We'll get involved in a fishing industry simulation game, and we'll look at what conservation and restoration groups are doing to keep the Salish Sea's fish stocks healthy. 

Math: We'll spend some time working with a division strategy called the "partial quotients" strategy. Check the video in the sidebar for a refresher.

Writing: You have now received feedback about your Halloween stories. Please hold on to the assessment page: I'll ask you to apply this feedback to your next piece. We have moved into the Organization writing trait. To start with, we'll think sequentially as we organize details - listing things from first to last helps keep things predictable and easy to read for our audience.

Science: The brain is so complex. We'll build a wearable model to help us remember the various functions of important parts of our cerebrum. Fun!

That's all for this week! Enjoy!

Monday, 4 November 2024

Week 10 - Nov 4 - 8

Here we are, folks... your weekly dose of blog stuff! Here's the plan:

Math: Let's spend a bit of time with rounding and estimating products. And then we'll move into learning about "common multiples" - these are multiples that are shared by a set of numbers. Understanding how to find these can be useful when working with fractions. We explore common multiples now because we are in a multiplication mindset: the skills we need to use to find common multiples are things we're already working on, especially those pesky basic facts.

Social Studies: We've begun our unit that will revolve around our big trip out on the Salish Sea. We're working toward answering our essential question: "What are examples of people or groups working together to solve problems in the Salish Sea?" This week we'll look at plastic pollution. Side note: if plastic pollution makes you angry and you want to help, check out Surfrider Foundation's beach clean-up calendar... there's two more events, one this coming Sunday at Island View Beach... Consider lending a hand with your family!

Also, on this Wednesday we'll host folks from Eagle Wing who will give us a preview of next Wednesday's big trip out. How exciting!

Writing: The second of six writing traits - Organization - is up to bat this week. We'll look at the keys to organizing your writing, and how to guide your readers through your writing.

Reading: This week will feature a Remembrance ceremony (on Friday). In preparation, we'll read and respond to an article about Canada's Remembrance traditions.

Science: Our look at the nervous system continues. This week, we'll learn about your optic nerve, one of the pathways for sensory information to travel to the brain. Did you know that each of your eyes has a small blind spot? And that we can "map" that spot? We'll get into an explanation about the eye's sensory abilities, and the ways our brain fills in the missing information for us. 

Whoo! That seems like a lot! As usual, these plans are aspirational (now that's a fun word!). If we don't get to it all, well, that's next week's problem, right? Speaking of next week, remember that Monday is a holiday. Next post on Tuesday, Nov 12. See you then!

Monday, 28 October 2024

Week 9 - Oct 28 - Nov 1

Boo! It's Halloween week! This is the plan:

Math: expect a quizzy on multiplication strategies on Tuesday. If it looks like we're ready to move on after that quizzy, we'll spend some time with rounding and estimating products. We will also explore some data resulting from our recent Provincial election. 

Writing: Your Halloween stories are due this Wednesday. Work at home to ensure you have a story to share with a small group on Thursday. We will also make time to do a self-assessment task.

Social Studies: We will begin learning about the Salish Sea. Our goal is to develop an understanding of how people can cooperate to solve problems, and to recognize some of the barriers we face when trying to solve issues. International cooperation is tricky. Finding solutions among those with competing interests can be challenging. We'll build our understanding in advance of Eagle Wing's visit to our classroom next week. 

Science: So far we've looked at the excretory system and the endocrine system. We're on track; well done!  Be sure you are keeping your notes and activities organized and completed. This week we'll move on to explore the nervous system. 

Thursday is Halloween. Costumes are encouraged, but please be thoughtful about these. We'll chat again about appropriateness of your costumes and accessories. But the basic advice stands: if you think your costume or accessory might be a problem, it very well might be. Still not sure? Ask!

Enjoy your week, everyone.