Tuesday 15 October 2024

Week 7 - Oct 15 - 18

I hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving weekend. We're back for four days of action-packed learning:

Social Studies: Our focus this week, in the lead-up to Saturday's election, will be on learning about one of the party platforms. You'll work with a small group to build a brief slideshow. Expect a handful of sessions to complete this research and to build your presentation. 

Math: We've moved into multiplication. For some, the basic facts to 10 x 10 have already been mastered. If that's the case, I have a handful of challenges for you, including learning some other useful facts (like learning each of the perfect squares up to 20 x 20. For most of us, though, we will benefit from practice. Please make it a goal to master these facts; they are the foundation for so much of what we'll do going forward. Rapid recall of those products will make your math life so much easier down the road! We will also explore some ways of "showing" products, and we'll work toward a reliable strategy for multiplying multi-digit values. 

Science: Let's move into learning about the endocrine system this week. Expect a video log, a puzzling activity, diagrams and discussion. 

Writing: The Halloween story project continues. The due date for this one is just two weeks away! Be sure to keep your story compact. Be realistic about how much time you have for your story writing. And leave enough time to revise your tale (at least one whole hour for this!). Be sure to take note of the feedback you will get this week from the "My New Island" task, and apply what you learn from my critique to this next piece. I look forward to reading your short stories!

Timetable: Thanks to a small increase in support in our classroom, some minor tweaks will show up on our Timetable later this week. Stay tuned. 

That's all for now, folks. Enjoy your week!

Sunday 6 October 2024

Week 6 - Oct 7 - 11

Hi All, 

We have a full week ahead of us. With a few activities already on the go, along with one or two new things to be introduced, we'll be busy. Here's the plan:

Writing: Last week, you began creating characters; ones you might (or might not) use in your story-writing this month. The Halloween story will roll out over the next few writing sessions. We'll build your setting, add a limited number of characters, and map out the plot for a simple, spooky story. 

Science: You'll finish the "learning lab" that you began last week before we dive a little deeper into the role and importance of staying hydrated. 

Math: Having explored a handful of subtraction ideas and strategies, let's work towards your first quizzy. These happen a handful of times each term. And, while they do make up a portion of my assessment of your progress, they are not the only way for you to show what you know. My goal for all of you is to have many opportunities to demonstrate proficiency. So, do the best as you can on this quizzy. Bring your "can-do" attitude. Show your thinking. Do your best to be independent, yet ask a question if you need to. But if you are off your game, or haven't mastered a skill yet, don't worry. There will be other chances to show your learning. Before the end of the week, we'll get into practicing those pesky multiplication facts.

Social Studies: BC's Provincial election is coming up in under two weeks. We'll look at the parties that are vying for our votes, and the platforms upon which they stand. 

Have a great week, everyone!

Monday 30 September 2024

Week 5 - Oct 1 - 4

Hi All, this is another short week. Here's the plan:

Tuesday is a short day. You'll be dismissed at 1:54. Parents, I look forward to meeting with you Tuesday afternoon or evening. 

Math - we will explore more ways of thinking about subtraction. You'll get a potpourri of strategies to tinker with. Do your best to approach these with an open mind. Who knows? Maybe one of these strategies will become your new go-to technique for finding the difference between numbers!

Reading - We'll jump back into some reading skills work this week.

Social Studies - The upcoming BC election will remain our focus over the next 3+ weeks leading up to voting day.

Science - You'll jump into a "stations lab" situation this week. This is a chance to explore aspects of the excretory system in small groups in a variety of modes. This "lab" will take two sessions. If you miss part of it due to absence, please do your best to catch up during flex time.

Writing - Thank-you for finishing and turning in your "My New Island" piece. (If yours isn't finished yet, its not too late! Try to get it done soon, though.) We'll turn our ideas toward storytelling next. October is upon us, and it's time to get into Mr. Pite's annual Halloween story writing piece. Spooky? Yes please! Bone-chilling terror? You bet! Candy, costumes, monsters, ghouls, ghosts, goblins and creepy-crawlies of all shapes and sizes? Bring it on!

Skating - our first OBRec field trip is happening Friday. Be prepared! 

Enjoy your week, everyone.

Tuesday 24 September 2024

Week 4 - Sept 24 - 27

Hi team, welcome back to the blog. Here's the plan for the rest of the week ahead:

Terry Fox fundraising: as a class, we're doing well. Thanks to some generous donors, we've already surpassed our modest class goal of $500. This Thursday's event - the annual Terry Fox run - will end our effort. So if you haven't yet donated, please take the time to do so. Here is the link to our class fundraising page. Or, send in cash or a cheque. Thanks!

Math this week will focus on subtraction strategies. On the full-screen version of the blog you might spot a small handful of videos on the sidebar. Look for the ones about subtraction for a preview of my approach to these strategies. 

Science - Our look at the excretory system kicks off our unit about body systems. You'll view a pair of in-class demonstrations that model kidney function. Pay attention to how you present your learning with the follow-up write-ups about these. Accuracy and presentation are important for scientific writing; be sure to take your time.

Social Studies - The writ has been dropped. Wait... what? That's a weird sentence. We'll dive into governance an elections over the next three weeks. This mini-unit will take us into the provincial election on October 19th. 

Writing - Remember the piece you began writing last week about the discovery of a new and mysterious land? We'll finish that one off before the end of the week. 

Language Arts - During LA time we'll turn our attention toward Truth and Reconciliation Day. 

That's all for this week, folks.

Monday 16 September 2024

Week 3 - Sept 16 - 20

Hi again! We're into our third week together. We're beginning to get familiar with classroom routines and expectations. We know each others' names and are learning about each other. We are ready to dive deeper into the curriculum. Thank you all for bringing the best of yourself to Division 13 each day. Keep up the great work!

Language Arts - Did you watch any of the Paris Olympics over the summer? We'll read and respond to an article about one of the best Olympics events in recent memory. Be sure to stay current with this. We will also carry on with developing reading strategies through pictures that we started last week.

Writing - Okay, explorers. You have discovered a new island. How did you find it? What is it like there? What is it about your new island that you'd return for? We will launch into our first writing task. Be sure to pay close attention to the criteria for this piece.

Science - We will begin our look at body systems. In grade 5, you may have explored a few systems, like the circulatory and digestive systems. For the first part of grade 6, we'll look at the human body's waste disposal system, the chemical messaging system, and the body's control center.

Math - A few number concepts are coming your way this week, including how to read and "speak" whole numbers. We'll explore "subitizing" - the trick of knowing how many without counting. And let's explore number lines, comparing and ordering whole number values (>, <, =), and writing and reading numbers in expanded form. 

French - begins on Tuesday with Ms. Carradine.

The Terry Fox fundraiser continues. This is the link to donate. Cash and coins can come in any time, or you can collect at home and bring in money all at once. We're off to a good start, folks. Keep that money coming in so we can reach our class fundraising goal of $500.

That's all for this week. Enjoy!

Monday 9 September 2024

Week 2 - Sept 9 - 13

Welcome back to the blog. If this is your first visit here, feel free to tour this site's features. But keep in mind that I have yet to move some of the stuff from last year out of this space. And, if this is your first visit, please have a quick read through last week's post so you're up to date. 

Students, your job is to read the week's blog post to a family member each Monday evening. Please take the time to do this, and be sure your folks are listening! 

We have begun to "move in" to our binders, bins and lockers. Check out the school supplies list that I emailed to your parents in case you are missing anything. Do the best that you can this year to stay organized with your supplies, and let your family know early on if you are running out of anything. 

Here is the plan for this week:

Writing - One piece of advice that is common for emerging authors is to "write what you know". Writing about things that you have first-hand knowledge of makes coming up with ideas easier. We will begin brainstorming the things that each of us knows about, are passionate about, or could tell a story about. We'll map these ideas out into "writing territories". The plan is to have a big pile of ideas that we can continually add to, and draw ideas from throughout the year.

Language Arts - I'd like to know what sort of a reader you are. One way to let me know this is during our quiet reading time. Be prepared! You will need to have something to read every day. What you read, and how well you sustain your attention on reading is important to me. Do your best over the next few weeks to build your independent reading stamina. This year we will use some of our Language Arts time to read about current events. This week we'll look at the wildfires that hit Jasper, Alberta over the summer.

Math - I love math. And I think it is important that you learn to feel positively about math too. This includes feeling good about where you are starting this year. If in the past you have felt super-stretched by numeracy, you've felt defeated or lacked confidence with some of the basics, I'm hoping to change your mindset. We're heading into this year with various levels of skill and self-assurance and that is OK. Bring positive thinking and a "can do" attitude to this sometimes tricky subject. We'll begin the week by organizing binders and then revisiting some of the math you probably saw last year.

Terry Fox - Our school has some lofty fundraising goals for the Terry Fox Foundation. Parents, here is the link to our class donation page

Enjoy your week, everyone!

Thursday 5 September 2024

Week 1 - Sept 3 - 6

Hi Everyone! This is the official blog of Division 13 at Monterey Middle School for 2024 - 2025. Your blog author is Mr. Pite.

It is really great to see that you have found my blog! This week all I am going to offer is a huge WELCOME ABOARD! to you. 

Notice the tabs at the top of the page. Currently, the Timetable is a work in progress. The Daily Agenda has been cleared and stands by ready to keep you up-to-date. We'll chat with you about what "agenda" can mean for you, and how to decide on an agenda system that will work for you.

For now, please bookmark this site. I'll be asking you to check in weekly on this space. This is the post for week 1, so your job is done for now. Be on the lookout for Week 2's post on Monday, Sept. 9. 

Parents, I hope to meet you all on Tuesday, Sept. 10 for our Meet the Teacher evening.

That's it for now!

Monday 24 June 2024

Week 39 - June 24 - 27

Hi All, Well, this is it. Your last week as a grade 6 kid! These last few days should be full of fun and games... Below is a "flexible" schedule for our final four days together.

Side note: these can be difficult weeks with lots of unstructured time. Please remember to maintain your composure and respect for others.

  • 8:50 – 10:30 – in class activities
  • 10:30 – 11:50 – Walk to the beach
  • 12:40 - 2:50 - Yearbooks and more
  • 8:40 - 9:48 - Last Exploratory block
  • 10:05 - 11:15 - in class activities
  • 11:15 - 11:55 - class potluck
  • 12:40 - 2:40 - movie
  • 8:40 - 10:00 - in class activity
  • 10:00 - 2:50 - Wolves team day at the park @ Windsor Park. Activities, pizza, and more
  • 8:40 - 10:00 - Walkies
  • 10:00 - 11:30 - Year-End assembly
  • 12:40 - 1:40 - Locker, bin, and desk clean-out; Scrub-a-Dub Challenge; Dora-ball Championships
  • 1:40 - 2:50 - Good-byes and more..
Here are your parting words:

AC - Liverpool 3-4 united, Manchester City 1-2 man united, ITS COMING HOME, CMON YANITED.
AJ - My name is AJ and I had an amazing time with Mr. Pite as my teacher but before I go I will thank you.
CM - I am CM and I had a good time in grade six now I will say bye bye (mike drop)6️⃣
CBr - Bye😍cya next year.
CBe - If God is all you have, then you have all you need. 
CG - You spend 26,280 hours in school. Make them good.
DV - Its the final HASHBROWN!  *off tune kazoo*
EW - Thanks for being my teacher this year Mr. Pite.
GH - For some absurd reason I'm actually going to miss the 'Skibidi Ohio Rizz', 'Vuvuzela Noises', and 'Jumping Out of Trees Into A Random Person's Yard'.
HBa - This chapter is done, but the story's not over. 
HBr - Bob Ross for life. 
KB - This year was awesome. See you next year.
KD - I love Clash Royale (HE HE HE HA)( you should download this game)
LT - It was fun while it lasted but now it's over so goodbye, au revoir, adios.
LJ - pleaseeeeeee can i be in kate's class pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ps bye grade 6
LH - I learned to stay humble - the G.O.A.T . But i think i learned lots this year basketball is goated like me.$$$
MH - to those who wish to brave mr pite consider thyself warned while he may seem strict if thy do not disturb him thou shalt survive 
MD - I have had a great thanks for teaching me P.S Man utd is Better 😜
PW - See you next year!😃
RC - pleassseeeee pleassse pleasse let me be in penelopessss classss pleasssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
RM - Believe in yourself, your abilities, and your dreams. Surround yourself with positive influences and keep moving forward.
TC - I want a pink car. 

Monday 17 June 2024

Week 38 - June 17 - 21

If you hadn't already noticed, we're getting close the end of our time together. It has been a great year so far. Do your best this week and next to bring your best: it can be easy to lose focus, forget to treat each other respectfully, and basically check out mentally. Don't do it! I promise you that the more you bring over the next two weeks, the more you'll get out of it.

Here's the plan for the week ahead:

L.A. - is all about poetry this week. We'll learn to identify rhyme scheme , and we'll try our hand at rhyming. 

Math - let's finish off our look at coordinate geometry. We'll explore rotations of shapes, and then put it all together with an in-class activity. 

Science - you'll get a chance at a hands-on activity to explore mixtures and solutions this week. 

Additionally, we've got a few other things lined up for the week ahead:

Tuesday, 18th: Music concert rehearsal (Block 5), plus evening concert
Wednesday, 19th: Robots! (please see list of needed items, below)
Friday, 21st: FUN DAY events, Block 3

Monday, 24th: Yearbook distribution
Tuesday, 25th: Class potluck
Wednesday, 26th: Wolves Day at the Park celebration, 11:00 - 2:30 
Thursday, 27th: Last day of classes; reports published.

Robots! list of tools:

    • Screwdrivers (a standard, multi-bit driver is great. Or a small selection of screwdrivers (a Phillips #2 or #1 are most useful, followed by a flat-head, hex and Torx head driver bits). 
    • Pliers (needle nose, with wire cutters are great, but standard slip-joint or linesman's pliers are fine, too)

  • Optional, but useful tools:

    • A set of hex keys
    • A small prying tool 
    • Tiny screwdrivers (a small set jeweller's screwdrivers)
    • Wire cutters
    • Adjustable wrench
    • Vice grips
Enjoy your week, everyone!

Monday 10 June 2024

Week 37 - June 10 - 14

Hey! Has your countdown to summer begun? It's official... the end of your grade six journey is within reach. It's not over yet, though. There are a few things on the go this week:

Math - We'll shore up our understanding of coordinate geometry this week. We'll move some lines around on a coordinate plane before exploring some geometric solids.

Writing - let's put a toothpick in the "Sandwich, Personified" task and move on to another great way to exemplify your writer's voice: through poetry and poetic language.

Reading - we'll perform our Reader's Theater plays for each other this week. 

Science - expect a quizzy on Wednesday about Newton's Laws. As mentioned, you'll get to have your study guide by your side for this one (but not the rest of your stuff, so be sure that your guide is complete). After that, expect a handful of activities about mixtures.

Got Library books? It's time to return these.

Walkies on Friday.

That's about all for this week, team. Enjoy!